Well it certainly wasn't pink sands and turquoise water, but it made us just as happy (well almost!). Chris traveled more than 20 days of July and the days he had off I managed to convince him to take a quick trip down to the coast. Mimi, Papa and Auntie C joined us. We rented a great five bedroom house in Pirates Cove last minute thanks to VRBO. Galveston is the perfect road trip-leave at breakfast-get there at lunch. We were margaritas in hand by 3pm-if I had it my way we woulda had roadies, but apparently no one wants to drink as much as me these days-guess that's what two pregnancies and two rounds of breastfeeding in three years will do to ya. We had a great time playing games, making meals, reading books, swimming in the ocean and at the country club, having happy hour, sitting in the hot tub on the deck, fishing, collecting shells, building sand castles, searching for crabs, finishing crossword puzzles, driving up and down the seawall, shopping on the strand (in the pouring rain!), going to the docks to see the big ships and drink mojitos, checking out the local real estate and enjoying the beautiful hibiscus (it's everywhere!). It was a nice getaway. Parker loved the beach (no surprise there-he loves everything) and stayed very busy playing in the sand. Dillon loved the beach too (this time around-phew!) and had a blast chasing the waves and building sand castles. I learned that the best way to get babies to sleep easily away from home is to wear them out! We wore them out, they slept and we drank and then slept-everyone was happy. I hope we can continue to make memories at the beach for many summers. There's just something about the sea.

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