Sunday, March 14 I ran my first Half Marathon. That sentence makes me very proud. I worked hard for it, met my goal and cannot wait to do it again.

Rock 'n' Roll Dallas - Half Marathon
March 14, 2010
9228 Finishers - 3445 M / 5783 F
Michele Ring #6561
McKinney, TXAge: 32 Gender: F
Chip Time
Overall Place
3571 / 9228
Gender Place
1569 / 5783
Division Place
345 / 1096
I ran with my longtime friend and college roomie, Melanie. She did great. We did great. We were together the whole time...ebbing each other's flows...or something like that. She sped up so I sped up and vice versa. It wouldn't have been half as cool without her. Thanks to my in-laws for coming to support me...it is amazing how much energy you draw from the crowd. The supporters make you laugh, wave, pump your fists, yell, give you chills, cry (yup Mel and I both teared up & got chills a few times-it's overall just an emotional experience). Some funny signs were-"Run Like Tiger Woods Wife is Chasing You!" "You Look Hot, Take Your Shirt Off" and countless signs encouraging you to run for the free beer at the finish line! Thanks Mom and Dad for taking great care of my babies-you made this run possible for me. Dillon and Parker I do this for you. Mommy can't wait for you two to start running races with me. Love to all my family and friends-your support means the world. Happy running. Xoxo

Rock 'n' Roll Dallas - Half Marathon
March 14, 2010
9228 Finishers - 3445 M / 5783 F
Michele Ring #6561
McKinney, TXAge: 32 Gender: F
Chip Time
Overall Place
3571 / 9228
Gender Place
1569 / 5783
Division Place
345 / 1096
Dang! You ran pretty fast! Under 10 minutes a mile is great. Nicely done!