And so today I go it alone-alone meaning no one over the age of 2 to pitch in. The nerves for Sunday's half marathon are beginning to kick in and flutter around in my tummy (did I really register to run my first big race on a weekend when chris is outta town!? hmm.) I've got the i'm-already-ready-for-my-husband-to-be-home-blues & he's been gone all of 45 minutes.
When it's just me and the boys, Dillon has to find ways to occupy his time while I nurse the baby and get him down for naps (which I feel like I am always doing-but I'll save that for the "is parker gonna wanna nurse til he's 16 post"). Soooo, after getting Parker down I made my way to Dillon's room to get him down and found him like this...

...pretty stinkin' cute. He is the master of being just cute enough to convince me that he should stay up to "playforafew"-which is a statement that is said SO often in our home it all runs together. I think he knows he has to say it really fast otherwise he risks being interrupted with a big fat no. After a little extra time alone with Dillon-mommy time begins-both boys are asleep and it's eerily peaceful. And so today I go it alone-but not really bc I have the most perfect little friends to keep me smiling and keep the pre race nerves away-at least a little. Fingers crossed for no wind on Sunday. Puppy dogs and Gum drops-(Christie-should you ever read this-know that your words echo thru my mind often. Happy words.)
Good luck on your race. I know you will do well!