Here we go again-this time as a family of four. I decided the old blog has been so pitifully neglected that it may as well be put to rest. I need a do-over. A fresh start. And with this new blog I vow to update daily. And by daily I mean weekly. And by weekly I mean monthly. Err, I will update as much as life with two babies under the age of three allows. To start welcome Parker James Ring. Born June 28, 2009. Happy. Easy-Going. Smiley. Banana Lover. Big Fan of his older brother Dillon and all of his antics. Loud Laugher-Even Louder Crier-thankfully the latter does not happen very often. Will crawl for remote control or blackberry. Proud owner of two new bottom teeth. Hair Puller. Heartwarmer.

Hooray for fresh starts. Is it weird that I still want to eat Parker? Like bite down on one of his legs?